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Daily happenings from the STEAM room can be found on the Sheckler Elementary School's Facebook page. Check your child's Homeroom Teacher's Google Classroom during school closure due to COVID-19.

Any questions, please email me at



CASD Continuity of Education Plan



*Assignments for the week will be posted by 9:00 AM Monday of each week.

*Attendance is mandatory and each day will count as a regular school day starting on April 14th.

*In order to maintain flexibility, attendance will be taken based on weekly completion of assignments. If the due date is Friday and students complete all work by tTrack in Google Classroom)



*In order to receive grades and credit, students must engage regularly and complete course requirements.

Sheckler: 3rd & 4th Quarter combined academic performance will be reported pass/fail.


Sheckler: 3rd & 4th Quarter combined academic performance will be reported pass/fail.


PBS Kids

LightBot: Hour of Code




Mr. Kotran's Classroom Rules

1.  Respect the teacher and your classmates.  When someone is talking, listen first, then raise your hand to speak.

2.  Try your hardest before asking for help.  Do not be afraid to make mistakes!

3.  Use all art room tools in a safe way.  Things like scissors, pencils, and other tools can be dangerous if students are not behaving in a mature way.