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The first grade students use the Pearson series titled enVisionmath2.0. The math curriculum is organized into 15 topics. Each topic consists of 4-10 lessons related to the main mathematical idea of the topic. Topics begin with a review of what you know and end with a topic assessment. Lessons begin with an interactive math story, followed by a math and science activity, daily review, re-teach to build understanding, and ending with center games. 

Our class will be engaging in many hands-on activities using manipulatives and write on/wipe off workmats. Homework will be given daily on Mondays through Thursdays to reinforce and maintain concepts and skills. 

Topic 1 - Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10  


1-1:   Solve Problems: Add To
1-2:   Solve Problems: Put Together
1-3:   Solve Problems: Both Addends Unknown
1-4:   Solve Problems: Take From  
1-5:   Solve Problems: Compare Situations
1-6:   Continue to Solve Problems: Compare Situations
1-7:   Practice Solving Problems: Add To
1-8:   Solve Problems: Put Together/Take Apart
1-9:   Math Practices and Problem Solving     

Topic 2 - Fluently Add and Subtract Within 10


2-1:   Count on to Add
2-2:   Doubles
2-3:   Near Doubles
2-4:   Facts with 5 on a Ten-Frame
2-5:   Add in Any Order
2-6:   Count Back to Subtract
2-7:   Think Addition to Subtract
2-8:   Solve Word Problems with Facts to 10
2-9:   Look For and Use Structure

Topic 3 - Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies


3-1:   Count On to Add
3-2:   Count On to Add Using an Open Number Line
3-3:   Doubles
3-4:   Doubles Plus 
3-5:   Make 10 to Add
3-6:   Continue to Make 10 to Add
3-7:   Explain Addition Strategies
3-8:   Solve Addition Word Problems with Facts to 20
3-9:   Critique Reasoning

Topic 4 - Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies


4-1:   Count to Subtract
4-2:   Make 10 to Subtract
4-3:   Continue to Make 10 to Subtract
4-4:   Fact Families
4-5:   Use Addition to Subtract
4-6:   Continue to Use Addition to Subtract
4-7:   Explain Subtraction Strategies
4-8:   Solve Word Problems with Facts to 20
4-9:   Reasoning

Topic 5 - Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations


5-1:   Find the Unknown Numbers
5-2:   True or False Equations
5-3:   Make True Equations
5-4:   Add Three Numbers
5-5:   Word Problems with Three Addends
5-6:   Solve Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
5-7:   Precision

Topic 6 - Represent and Interpret Data


6-1:   Organize Data into Three Categories
6-2:   Collect and Represent Data
6-3:   Interpret Data
6-4:   Continue to Interpret Data
6-5:   Makae Sense and Presevere

Topic 7 - Extend the Counting Sequence


7-1:   Count by 10s to 120
7-2:   Count by 1s to 120
7-3:   Count on a Number Chart to 120
7-4:   Count by 1s or 10s to 120
7-5:   Count on an Open Number Line
7-6:   Count and Write Numerals
7-7:   Repeated Reasoning

Topic 8 - Understand Place Value


8-1:   Make Numbers 11 to 19
8-2:   Numbers Made with Tens
8-3:   Count with Groups of Tens and Ones
8-4:   Tens and Ones
8-5:   Continue with Tens and Ones
8-6:   Different Names for the Same Numbers

8-7: Look for and Use Structure

Topic 9 - Compare Two-Digit Numbers


9-1:   1 More, 1 Less, 10 More, 10 Less
9-2:   Find Numbers on a Hundred Chart
9-3:   Compare Numbers
9-4:   Compare Numbers with Symbols (>, <, =)
9-5:   Compare Numbers on a Number Line
9-6:   Make Sense and Persevere

Topic 10 - Use Models and Strategies to Add Tens and Ones


10-1:  Add Tens Using Models
10-2:  Mental Math: Ten More Than a Number
10-3:  Add Tens and Ones Using a Hundred Chart
10-4:  Add Tens and Ones Using an Open Number Line
10-5:  Add Tens and Ones Using Models
10-6:  Make a Ten to Add
10-7:  Add Using Place Value
10-8:  Practice Adding Using Strategies
10-9:  Model with Math

Topic 11 - Using Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens


11-1:  Subtract Tens Using Models
11-2:  Subtract Tens Using a Hundred Chart
11-3:  Subtract Tens Using an Open Number Line
11-4:  Use Addition to Subtract Tens
11-5:  Mental Math: Ten Less Than a Number
11-6:  Use Strategies to Practice Subtraction
11-7:  Model with Math 

Topic 12 - Measure Lengths


12-1:  Compare and Order by Length
12-2:  Indirect Measurement
12-3:  Use Units to Measure Length
12-4:  Use Appropriate Tools

Topic 13 - Time and Money


13-1:  Tell the Value of Coins
13-2: Finding the Value of a Group of Coins
13-3:  Understand the Hour and Minute Hands
13-4:  Tell and Write Time to the Hour

13-5: Tell and Write Time to the Half Hour

13-6: Reasoning

Topic 14 - Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes


14-1:  Use Attributes to Define Two-Dimensional (2-D) Shapes
14-2:  Defining and Non-Defining Attributes of 2-D Shapes
14-3:  Build and Draw 2-D Shapes by Attributes
14-4:  Compose 2-D Shapes
14-5:  Compose New 2-D Shapes from 2-D Shapes
14-6:  Use Attributes to Define Three-Dimensional (3-D) Shapes
14-7:  Defining and Non-Defining Attributes of 3-D Shapes
14-8:  Compose with 3-D Shapes
14-9:  Make Sense and Persevere

Topic 15 - Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles


15-1:  Make Equal Shares
15-2:  Make Halves and Fourths of Rectangles and Circles
15-3:  Understand Halves and Fourths
15-4:  Model with Math
