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COVID-19 Online Learning Page

COVID-19 Online Learning Plan

District Continuity of Education Plan


CASD Tech Support


Google Classroom


Imagine Learning


Imagine Math




Pearson Realize enVision Math




Should the need arise for school to be canceled due to weather or other incidents, the following plan would be in place.

Assignments for the week will be posted by 9:00 AM on Monday of each week. All work will be posted on Google Classroom. Use your child's CASD email address and password to log on.


Students must engage regularly and complete course assignments in order to be marked present for the day.


Lessons will be simple, focused and consistent with the course requirements.


Most instructions will be provided asynchronously. There will be some lessons where I will make a classroom connection with the entire class.


All work will not exceed forty-five minutes daily.


Parents will need to assume an active role in their child's education. Please establish a daily education routine and  expectations for your child. Please see the daily schedule.


I will use Remind/Class DoJo/Google Classroom and my email to maintain contact with parents throughout this process. Please check them on a daily basis.