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Sheckler P.E. Curriculum

Sheckler P.E. Curriculum

Establishing a Learning Environment

  • Rules/Procedures/Safety Concerns/Respect
  • Space Awareness
  • Relationships (objects, people)


    Movement Concepts

    • Locomotor skills/Nonlocomotor skills
    • Personal/General Space (spatial awareness)
    • Traveling in small and large spaces (directions/levels/pathways/extensions)
    • Effort (time/force/flow)
    • Hand/Eye Coordination (beanbags)
    • Exploration Movement Stations (creative format)
    • Low organized movement games


      Skill Themes

      1. Traveling and Dodging

      -          chasing dodging and fleeing

      -          flag games

      -          scooter board activities

      2. Dribbling

      -          basketball

      -          soccer

      -          soft stick hockey

      3. Throwing/Catching /Tossing/Gathering

      -          target stations

      -          toss games

      -          juggling

      -          fielding

      4. Kicking

      -          soccer skills (passing/kicking)

      -          Flag football (punting)

      -          Danish Rounders/Kickball 

      5. Jumping/Landing and Weight Transfer

      -          long/short rope jumping

      -          jump sticks/Chinese jump ropes

      6. Educational Gymnastics

      -          tumbling, kinesthetic awareness

      7. Volleying

      -          volleyball skills (bump/set/serve)

      8. Striking

      -          4 square

      -          soft hockey/scooter hockey

      -          tennis/paddle games

      -          base games/base game skills

      9. Rolling

      -          Bowling


      10. Climbing

      -          Climbing wall activities

      11. Specific Sport Strategies

      12. Exploration Skill Stations (creative format)

      13. Low organized skill-based games