Daily Schedule
Mrs. Hillanbrand's Daily Schedule: 2023-2024
8:45-9:15 Arrival/ Unpack/ Morning work/News Show (9:05am- channel 22)
9:15-10:30- Math
10:30-10:50 Spelling
10:45-11:00 DOL/Grammar/Snack
11:00-11:30 Whole Group Language Arts
10:50-11:30 Expressive Arts
12:55-1:35 Title 1 / Guided Reading (small group Language Arts)
12:50-1:00 Heggerty/Star of the Week
11:55-12:25 Lunch (Lunch duty cycles 1,2,3)
1:40-2:15 Science/Writing
12:30-12:50 Recess
2:45-2:50 Star of the Week
2:50 Pack up for Dismissal
2:55 Dismiss Parent Pick up/Walkers/Y-Care
3:00 Dismiss Bus Students