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     By the end of first grade, most children have learned the foundational skills of word analysis and have a basic understanding of the elements of fiction and nonfiction.  Grade 2 will focus on advancing children's phonemic awareness, phonics, and high-frequency word-recognition skills, extending their understanding of narrative and informational text, and increasing their efficiency in written communication.

     We will begin the new school year by reviewing some of the earlier skills so that your child is ready to begin a successful experience in Grade 2.  I will be given the opportunity to observe where your child is now, so I can provide what he/she needs to become a successful second grader! 

     This year we are beginning a new reading series titled "Treasures".  This series has a total of six Units.  Each Unit has a theme and a total of five stories.  Below I have listed the Unit Themes.

Unit 1 ~ Relationships

Unit 2 ~ Growth and Change

Unit 3 ~ Better Together

Unit 4 ~ Land, Sea, Sky

Unit 5 ~ Discoveries

Unit 6 ~ Expressions   

     Because you play a crucial role in your child's success as a reader, I am pleased to share with you some ways to help your child become a better reader.  I am sure many of you already do these suggestions.

1.  Help your child acquire a wide range of knowledge.  Go on shopping trips, walks in the park, and visits to the zoo.  This builds background knowledge neeeded as children learn to read textbooks.

2.  Talk with your child about his or her experiences.  This helps children learn new words and their meanings.

3.  Encourage your child to think about events.  Asking your child to describe events helps him or her learn to give good descriptions and tell complete stories.

4.  Read aloud to your child.  This is probably the single most important activity you can do to affect reading success.  The benefits of reading aloud are greatest when children participate in the activity by identifying words and by talking bout the story and the meaning of words.

5.  Provide your child with writing materials.  Writing is an important way to learn about letters and words.  Children are often eager to learn how to write; encourage them by having paper, pencils, and crayons in your home.

6.  Encourage your child to watch TV programs that have educational value.  Ask your child questions about the shows and relate what they see to experiences in real life.

7. Monitor how much TV your child watches.  Watching quality TV up to 10 hours a week can have a slightly positive effect on your child's achievement.  Most children who watch 20 or more hours a week of TV don't do well in school.

8.  Monitor your child's school performance.  Research shows that children tend to be more successful readers when their parents have an accurate view of their schoolwork.  Visit your child's teacher and classroom, find out about the reading program, and participate in home-school programs.

9.  Encourage your child to read independently.  The amount of reading done out of school influences the level of success in school.  help your child by having plenty of books in your home and by visiting the library regularly.

10.  Continue your personal involvement in your child's growth as a reader.  Set a good example by reading magazines, newspapers, and books.  Encourage reading as a leisure time activity for the whole family.