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    Math School Slate Embroidery Design       MATH     

     The second grade math curriculum is organized into 15 Topics.  Each topic consists of 5-10 lesson related to the big mathematical idea of the topic.  This math program is based on the Pennsylvania Common Core.  Topics begin with an open-ended investigation and an opportunity to assess informally students' knowledge of prerequisite skills.  In addition to Topic assessments, after every 3 Topics there are also cumulative assessments.  
     Our class will be engaging in many hands-on activities using manipulatives and write-on/wipe-off workmats.  Homework will be given daily to reinforce and maintain concepts and skills. There is a lot of information about the new enVision Math 2.0 series online for parents and students to view at home.  Please take some time to explore, and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Topic 1~ Fluently Add and Subtract Within 20

1-1  Addition Fact Strategies

1-2  Doubles and Near Doubles

 1-3 Make a 10 to Add

1-4  Addition Fact Patterns

1-5  Count on and Count Back to Subtract

1-6  Think Addition to Subtract

1-7  Make a 10 to Subtract

1-8  Practice Addition and Subtraction Facts

1-9  Solve Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

1-10 Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 2~ Work With Equal Groups

2-1  Even and Odd Numbers

2-2  Continue Even and Odd Numbers

2-3  Use Arrays to Find Totals

2-4  Make Arrays to Finf Totals

2-5  Math Practices and Problem Solving

Topic 3~ Add Witin 100 Using Strategies

3-1  Add Tens and Ones on a Hundreds Chart

3-2  Add Tens on an Open Number Line

3-3  Add Tens and Ones on an Open Number Line

3-4  Break Apart Numbers to Add

3-5  Continue to Break Apart Numbers to Add

3-6  Add Using Compensation

3-7  Practice Adding Using Strategies

3-8  Solve One-Step and Two-Step Problems

3-9  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 4~ Fluently Add Within 100    

4-1  Add with Partial Sums

4-2  Continue to Add with Partial Sums

4-3  Models to Add 2-Digit Numbers

4-4  Add 2-Digit Numbers

4-5  Add More Than Two 2-Digit Numbers

4-6  Practice Adding

4-7  Solve One-Step and Two-Step Prolems

4-8  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 5~ Subtract Within 100 Using Strategies

5-1  Subtract Tens and Ones on a Hundreds Chart

5-2  Count Back to Subtract on an Open Number Line

5-3  Continue to Count Back to Subtract on an Open Number Line

5-4  Add Up to Subtract Using an Open Number Line

5-5  Break Apart Numbers to Subtract

5-6  Continue to Break Apart Numbers to Subtract

5-7  Subtract Using Compensation

5-8  Solve One-Step and Two-Step Problems

5-9  Math Practice and Problem Solving


Topic 6~ Fluently Subtract Within 100

6-1  Regroup 1 Ten for 10 Ones

6-2  Model to Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers

6-3  Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers

6-4  Model to Subtract 2-Digit Numbers

6-5  Subtract 2-Digit Numbers

6-6  Use Addition to Check Subtraction

6-7  Practice Subtracting

6-8  Solve One-Step and Two-Step Problems

6-9  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 7~ More Solving Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction

7-1  Represent Addition and Subtraction Problems

7-2  Mixed Practice:  Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems

7-3  Continue Practice with Addition and Subtraction Problems

7-4  Solve Two-Step Problems

7-5  Continue to Solve Two-Step Problems

7-6  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 8~ Work With Time and Money

8-1  Solve Problems with Coins

8-2  Continue to Solve Problems with Coins

8-3  Solve Problems with Dollar Bills

8-4  Continue to Solve Problems with Dollar Bills

8-5  Math Practice and Problem Solving

8-6  Tell Time to Five Minutes

8-7  Tell Time Befire and After the Hour

8-8  A.M. And P.M.

Topic 9~ Numbers to 1,000

9-1  Understand Hundreds

9-2  Models and 3-Digit Numbers

9-3  Name Place Values

9-4  Read and Write 3-Digit Numbers

9-5  Different Ways to Name the Same Number

9-6  Place-Value Patterns with Numbers

9-7  Skip Count by 5s, 10s, 100s to 1,000

9-8  Compare Numbers Using Place Value

9-9  Compare Numbers on the Number Line

9-10 Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 10~ Add Within 1,000 Using Models and Strategies

10-1  Add 10 and 100

10-2  Add on an Open Number Line

10-3  Add Using Mental Math

10-4  Add Using Partial Sums

10-5  Use Models to Add

10-6  Explain Addition Strategies

10-7  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 11~ Subtraction Within 1,000 Using Models and Strategies

11-1  Subtract 10 and 100

11-2  Count Back to Subtract on an Open Number Line

11-3  Add Up to Subtract on an Open Number Line

11-4  Subtract Using Mental Math

11-5  Use Models to Subtract

11-6  Explain Subtraction Strategies

11-7  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 12~ Measuring Length

12.1  Estimating Length

12.2  Measure with Inches

12.3  Inches, Feet, and Yards

12.4  Measure Length Using Different Customary Units

12.5  Measure with Centimeters

12.6  Centimeters and Meters

12.7  Measure Length Using Different Metric Units

12.8  Compare Lengths

12.9  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 13~ More Addition, Subtraction,and Length

13.1  Add and Subtract with Measurements

13.2  Find Unknown Measurements

13.3  Continue to Find Unknown Measurements

13.4  Add and Subtract on a Number Line

13.5  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 14~ Graphs and Data

14.1  Line Plots

14.2  More Line Plots

14.3  Bar Graphs

14.4  Picture Graphs

14.5  Draw Conclusions from Graphs

14.6  Math Practice and Problem Solving

Topic 15~ Shapes and Their Attributes

15.1  2-Dimensional Shapes

15.2  Polygons and Angles

15.3  Draw 2-Dimensional Shapes

15.4  Cubes

15.5  Divide Rectangles into Equal Squares

15.6  Partition Shapes

15.7  Equal Shares, Different Shapes

15.8  Math Practice and Problem Solving