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COVID19 Information


Due to school closure for COVID19, please use Google Classroom for communication and to find assignments and resources.

The Catasauqua School district website has a wealth of resources for you and your child.

Continuity of Education Plan 

CASD Skill Review, Reinforcement & Extended Learning

Parent Online and Technology Assistance


*In order to receive grades and credit, students must engage regularly and complete course requirements.

Sheckler: 3rd & 4th Quarter combined academic performance will be reported pass/fail.  


*Assignments for the week will be posted by 9:00 AM Monday of each week.

*Attendance is mandatory and each day will count as a regular school day starting on April 14th.

*In order to maintain flexibility, attendance will be taken based on weekly completion of assignments. If the due date is Friday and students complete all work by the following Monday, they will be marked present for the week. (Track in Google Classroom)