1st Grade Parents
1. Increasing children's abilities to thing and solve problems for themselves
2. Increasing children's abilities to use their thinking skills to act responsively and maturely
3. Improving children's understanding of themselves
4. Improving children's feelings about themselves
5. Increasing children's abilities to learn more effectively in the classroom environment
Last year in Kindergarten we learned how to do "Turtle" when students are feeling out of control, angry, upset or any other uncomfortable feeling. The trick to doing "Turtle" correctly, is to use it BEFORE a bad choice is made either with words or actions. Ask your child about "Turtle"! It's a skill they can use at home too! We follow up in 1st grade with 5 weeks of review lessons, so students remember safe things to do when feeling upset.
We will also be explaining to students how everyone in our school needs to feel safe in order to learn the best. We will cover our bully prevention rules through stories and role-playing, so students learn what is helpful behaviors and what are hurtful behaviors.
In 1st grade, we will also cover conflict resolution lessons and career exploration. In the spring, we hold our 1st grade Career Day, so look for a letter coming home that be asking you, the parents, to come in and talk with our 1st graders about your career!
Also, each year your student will also get 8 weeks of the PATHS (Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies) program. This is provided by exceptional facilitators from the CARON Foundation. This programming builds on the 5 weeks of PATHS I complete with your 1st graders at the start of each year.
Your children are also able to participate in my small counseling groups. These groups are run during the students' lunch times and last about 6-8 weeks. Group topics can range from anger management to impulse control, friendship skills to assertiveness skills. Look for permission slips to be sent home with each student during the month of September. A parental permission slip must be signed prior to any student entering a group. If you'd like one sent home, please have your child stop in to get one from me, or you can call or email me to send one home.
If your child needs any kind of individual support, please let me know and I will meet with them during a time of the day that works for his or her teacher. If you need any resources or encounter something you want to run by me, just get in touch with me. My phone number is 610-264-5601 (option 2) or email me at ceccattik@cattysd.org