About Sheckler
Sheckler Elementary School
251 North 14th Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032
Phone 610.264.5601 Fax 610.403.1120
Transportation changes can only be made through the Transportation Department:
Fax to 610-403-1061
Emailed to transportation@cattysd.org
Phone: 610-264-3192, option 2
Electronic Form: Website: www.cattysd.org – Departments – Transportation
In your request include the following information:
Child’s Name:
Reason for request:
Phone number you can be reached during day:
Email you check during the day:
Requestor’s Name and Relationship:
When/ Where new stop/pick up is to be
Please call the Sheckler office at 610-264-5601 for an appointment
Registrations will be conducted by APPOINTMENT ONLY
All required paper work must be completed
and brought with you and your child to your appointment
Click here for paperwork or, they can be mailed to you if necessary
Daily Schedule
Doors Open at 8:45 Homeroom Starts at 8:55 Dismissal at 3:10