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Sheckler Elementary School

251 North 14th Street
Catasauqua, PA 18032


Enrollment Information

Please call the Sheckler office at 610-264-5601 for an appointment.

Registrations will be conducted by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

All required paper work must be completed and brought with you and your child to your appointment.

Click here for paperwork or, they can be mailed to you if necessary.

Transportation Information

Only permanent transportation changes are allowed, no day-to-day changes are permitted.


Phone: 610-264-3192, option 2

Fax: 610-403-1061

In your request include the following information:
  • Child’s Name
  • School
  • Grade
  • Teacher
  • Reason for request
  • Phone number you can be reached during day
  • Email you check during the day
  • Requestor’s Name and Relationship
  • When/ Where new stop/pick up is to be

Daily Schedule

Doors Open at 8:45am

Homeroom Starts at 8:55am

Dismissal at 3:10pm


About Our School

Built in 1972, Sheckler Elementary School is home to about 550 students in the Catasauqua area from kindergarten to fourth grade.  The school is dedicated to the memory of Francis H. Sheckler, a longtime citizen of Catasauqua and a teacher for over fifty years.

Catasauqua History

George Taylor, A signer of the Declaration of Independence, built a Georgian stone house in 1768 in what is now the borough of Catasauqua. Today, the George Taylor House is a National Historic Landmark, a showpiece of the community's rich historical heritage.

In 1840, the anthracite iron industry was founded in what is now known as Catasauqua, originally Biery's Port, making it a birthplace of the Industrial Revolution in the United States.[7] Welsh immigrant David Thomas relocated to the area and opened the Crane Iron Works. Remembered as "the father of Catasauqua," Thomas initially named the community Craneville, after his former employer in Wales.

The Bridge Street Presbyterian Church in Catasauqua

The wealthy, generous Thomases were responsible for many sweeping changes to the prosperity of the community. David Thomas founded the Presbyterian Church of Catasauqua, in which residents still worship today, and his wife Elizabeth donated money and land to found the Welsh Congregational Church, which no longer exists. Thomas organized Catasauqua's first fire company, installed its first public water system, and served as its first burgess.

In 1854, the town was formally titled Catasauqua (pronounced "Cat-uh-SAW-kwuh"), from the Lenni Lenape language, meaning "dry ground" or "thirsty ground."

Catasauqua is home to two different neighborhoods listed on the National Register of Historic Places. One is Biery's Port, located along the Lehigh River and named for an early family of prominence; the other is known as "the mansion district," and comprises Victorian homes once owned by wealthy residents.

By 1900, Catasauqua boasted 5,000 residents, and had the highest percentage of self-made millionaires of any town in the United States.

In 1917, while many of the young men of the town served in World War I, Catasauqua became the first community in the United States to raise $1 million in war bonds, earning it the nickname "The Million Dollar Town".

Catasauqua observed its 150th anniversary of incorporation in 2004. In July 2014, the town also celebrated its 100th anniversary of the old home week celebration in 1914. The original old home week marked the 75th anniversary of the Lehigh Valley Crane Iron Works

Notable People