Title I Information & Resources
At Sheckler Elementary, Title I Reading Services (Every Student Succeeds Act) provide targeted support to help students improve their reading skills and reach grade-level proficiency.
This program offers additional instruction and resources for students who may need extra assistance in reading, ensuring they receive personalized attention to build confidence and enhance literacy skills.
Through collaboration between teachers, reading specialists, and families, the goal is to create a supportive learning environment that fosters reading success for all students.
Sheckler Elementary Title I Staff:
Dr. Robert Kucharczuk - Principal
Daniel Kotran - Coordinator of Federal Programs
Jennifer Thierer - Reading Specialist/Title I Teacher (thiererj@cattysd.org)
Terri Lubenesky - Title I Certified Aide (lubeneskyt@cattysd.org)
Caitlin Kier - Title I Certified Aide (kierc@cattysd.org)
Jessi Cericola - Title I Certified Aide (cericolaj@cattysd.org)
Jessica Evans - Title I Certified Aide (evansj@cattysd.org)